Product quick views allow customers to preview and purchase a product without leaving the page they are on (e.g. product listing page (PLP), homepage, blog, etc.). Quick views allows the users to add items to their cart without going to the individual product page streamlines the checkout process and shortens the path to purchase.
You can see some Quick View examples in the preview link: Quick View Examples Page
These examples can be helpful starting points for designing your own custom quick views through Fastr Frontend! Use these templates as a starting point for your design, and then reach out to your account manager so that we can get you in touch with our solutions engineers to get the product quick view design integrated with your inventory data.
Please review our Libraries & Templates article for more information on our other available templates!
How to Install the Product Quick View Library
1. Open the file you would like to add the Quick view templates to or create a new file.
2. Click on the "Assets" tab, and then select the "Libraries".
3. In the pop-up window, look for "Product Quick View Examples", and click "Add".
4. Exit the window and return to the "Assets" panel.
5. Under the "Image Library" and local library, you will see your newly imported template.
6. When using these Quick View templates, an existing board is not required.
For any assistance or troubleshooting, please feel free to contact our support team at support@getfastr.com.
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