This template offers a starting point for setting up your specific Brand Assets in your account, which will be reused throughout new experiences. These Brand Assets will contain components, graphics, typographies, and color schemes that you might frequently use. The specific purpose of this template is to give you a starting point for how you might organize your various components and assets.
This article will cover the Brand Asset Template specifically, but here is a general article on Creating and Publishing your Brand Assets.
Please review our Libraries & Templates article for more information on our other available templates!
Updating the template with your specific branding
Updating your Brand colors can be done by accessing the "Colors" section under the Assets tab. To make the adjustments, you would just click on these colors and adjust the Hex code, or use the color picker option. The colors on the board are just a visual representation of the colors being used.
Feel free to delete any extra or unnecessary colors that your team does not need.
To update a Typography, you can just select any of the text widgets as shown here. From the Design tab, you can click on the three dots to modify the text settings, such as the Font or Font Size. Once you make these changes, the Brand Asset Template will update to use the new font settings you have chosen. Feel free to delete any extra or unnecessary typographies that your team does not need.
To update your Components, you will just need to select the corresponding component on the canvas. For example, you can click on this image and swap the placeholder logo with your brands specific logo. This can be done by using the Image Library, which allows you to easily swap images. Once you have made a change, you will want to right click and select the "Update Main Component" option, as shown here:
This can be done to update the various components that we recommend, such as:
- Logos
- Buttons
- Icons + CTAs
- Spacing Guides
- Hero Banners
- Category Product Tiles
Additionally, you can continue to add your own components into the template. This structured template we provide is just a starting point, so feel free to expand on it as you design.
Now that you have customized your Brand Asset template, please refer to the following article on importing and using these assets in other experiences: Fastr Frontend Experience Canvas – Importing and using your Brand Assets
Have any questions about this specific article? Email support@getfastr.com
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