Interactions in the Experience Canvas allow you to make widgets clickable and define actions that will be triggered upon clicking the widget. This article will go through the various options that are available from the "Interact" menu.
After selecting any widget on the canvas, you can find the "Interact" option available in the top right corner. Clicking on the plus (+) icon will add an interaction to this widget, as shown here:
Interaction Triggers
A trigger defines the user action that will initiate the interaction. Fastr currently offers the following triggers:
On click: Triggered when a user clicks or taps on the widget.
After delay: Triggered after a specified time has passed since a board is shown. This trigger can only be applied on board widgets. When you select "After delay" as a trigger, a Delay field will appear where you can enter the time (in milliseconds) after which the board will change.
Interaction Actions
An action defines what happens when the interaction is triggered. Fastr currently offers the following actions:
- Navigate to
- Open lightbox
- Execute JS
- Jump to page element
- Open URL
- Custom action
Navigate to
This action takes the user from one board to the destination set in the interaction. In the Destination dropdown, you’ll see all the boards created in the canvas, and you can select any. To add an animation, select "slide" from the dropdown and choose the direction for the board to slide.
The "Navigate to" action is often used when creating multi-board experiences, or carousel style experiences. For more information on carousel style experiences, please click here.
Open lightbox
This action opens a provided URL in a lightbox or pop-up window, which will appear over the top of the current experience. The dimensions of the lightbox are determined by the width and height parameters. This can be used to embed any URL, including another experience built in Fastr Frontend.
Here is an example of a Lightbox pop-up that is trigged on click: Example Lightbox
Execute JS
Enhance your interactions by adding JavaScript code logic, which will be executed upon clicking the action.
Jump to Page Element
This action allows you to scroll to a different section within your experience, or even between two separate experiences. To learn more about this, check out the following article: Anchor Links
Open URL
This action opens a link within a Fastr Experience. Links can be opened in either the current window/tab or a new one. You can specify an absolute or relative link path. Be sure to include "http://" at the start of the URL.
Custom Action
This performs a custom action set in your account when the widget is clicked. To use this action, create a custom action integration. Once the integration is created, it will appear in the Custom Actions list in the Action Panel.
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