Zmags aims to support our clients’ creation of inclusive content. Below, please find a summary of and link to ADA guidelines, as well as information about key features you can use to create more inclusive Fastr Frontend Experiences
ADA Guidelines
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international website standards organization, developed the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 in cooperation with individuals and organizations around the world.*
These guidelines provide a shared standard for web content accessibility and are organized under four content principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust. When you are creating content, we recommend referencing the in-depth guidelines to ensure you are maintaining compatibility site-wide.
*Note: WCAG guidelines are not created, developed or maintained by Fastr. Please refer to the WCAG web site to track the latest updates and changes.
How Fastr Frontend Helps
Fastr Frontend features that enhance compatibility are listed below:
Live Text– As part of the “Understandable” principle, text should be live rather than embedded in images when possible. To create live text in the New Editor, utilize the Text Widget. All text added via the Text Widget is discoverable by screen readers.
Accessibility (ADA) and SEO Checklist - We have an exciting new feature that makes it easy to review the Accessibility and SEO of your website before publishing! Please review our release article for more information! Release Notes: July 11, 2023 - Experience Canvas Accessibility and SEO Checklist
Text Headings (H1-6 Tags) – To effectively convey meaning of your Experiences to disabled customers, screen readers must know the hierarchy of text displayed. To dictate priority, use the H1-H6 tags in the Text Widget. Note: This is also an optimal SEO practice as well.
Alt-Text Enabled Widgets – WCAG recommends that all non-text content has a text alternative. To this point, Fastr Frontend Dashboard enables you to add alt-text to all uploaded images, as well as any other type of widget! Inputting informative image alt-text helps the impaired user understand the image content via screen readers. This alt text could be added to groups of widgets, paths, components, and more! Just click on any widget on the canvas, and use the following field to update the Alt Text:
Automated Alt Text - When uploading a new image, our platform will automatically add meaningful alt text. This is done by using OpenAI, which detects the content in the image and generates meaningful alt text. For full information, please review the following article:
Automated Alt Text for Images
Widget Tab Order – In our effort to continue to make the web accessible for all, we are building a new feature to support customized tab ordering. WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) stipulate that content must have a logical tab order for people using keyboard, or other assistive technology, to navigate. With this release, Fastr Frontend Dashboard users can now customize the order in which content can be navigated. The order of layers to be read out loud by the screen reader is bottom to top. This means that the layer which is present at the bottom of your layer tab will be read first and so on. Please keep this in mind as you design your content for screen readers!
- Mute/Unmute Layer: Need to remove a layer from being read out loud by the screen reader? It’s as easy as a hover and a click! Simply hover over the specific layer in the layers tab and select the newly introduced “Mute” button. This tiny sound icon, located next to the eye and lock icons, will do the trick. But wait, there’s more! You can also perform this action in bulk by selecting multiple layers, right-clicking, and choosing to “Exclude/Include from screen readers”. Empowering you with complete control and flexibility.
Newly Introduced Filters: We know your layer tab can get crowded with both muted and unmuted layers. That’s why we’ve introduced a powerful new filter. With a single click, you can now view only “Accessible Layers” that will be read out loud by the screen reader. Alternatively, you can switch to “Non-Accessible Layers” that will be completely skipped by the screen readers. It’s all about customizing your accessibility experience and making it seamless for every user.
- Keyboard Navigation – A core focus of WCAG guidelines pertains to Operability, specifically the requirement that content is operable through a keyboard interface. Fastr Frontend Experiences are navigable via the Tab keyboard key. Additionally, users can use the Enter button to select desired links within an Experience.
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